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RE: Concentric spheres- an hypothesis
Original poster: "David Thomson" <dwt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Dr. Resonance,
> Prof. Herb published several papers on on the use of concentric
> shells in very large Van de Graaff generators, many of which were
> used at Sandia National Labs during the Manhattan Project (building
> the first A-bomb). I don't know how many of them are still classified
> though.
That's right! Now that you mention it, I saw the actual first accelerator.
It is now on display, of all places, at the Science Museum in London. I may
have taken a picture of it when I was there last fall. The accelerator has
been turned into a display and parts of it have been cut away to show the
inner structure. I do remember seeing the concentric aluminum shells,
although I believe they were oblong as opposed to spherical. I'll see if I
can find the photo.
Thanks for bringing this up.