Original poster: "Lau, Gary" <Gary.Lau@xxxxxx>
Hi Tim:
Yes, as you suggested, use the HV terminal on one side of the tank, and
case/RF ground on the other side that connects to the primary center.
Regards, Gary Lau
> Original poster: "Tim Flood" <tflood@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> The company was going to scrap an old ozone generater, which I
> intercepted it on the way to the scrap hopper, with permission. The
> HV transformer inside the generator is a GE 120v primary, 15/16/17 Kv
> sec. at 200VA. The transformer has only one HV bushing. By hooking up
> one leg of a jacobs ladder to the HV side and the other leg to ground
> I got a very healthy arc, approximately 5".
> I have a question as to how to wire this transformer into a tank
> circuit as there is only one HV output as compared to the normal
> set-up for a NST. Should I connect the HV to one side of the tank
> circuit and ground the other leg or what is the proper way to use this
> Thanks for any input.
> Tim Flood