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Re: High Copper Cost - was: [TCML] Refurbished Coill
Hi Clive,
I wanted to point out that even though I see nothing wrong with Al
primary's from a look at skin effect, resistance (AC and DC), etc., I
have not tried it myself. So my ok with it is purely arm chair cowboy.
I'll try it on the next coil I build for giggles and cost savings.
Something to keep in mind is that there is a 2 awg size difference
between Al and Cu in general. So, 2 awg sizes larger of Al for
equivalent conductance properties of copper.
Javatc offers the choice of Al or Cu for coils (if you want to look at
electrical differences in a coil application). At least the latest
version does.
Take care,
Barton B. Anderson wrote:
Hi Clive,
There was a little study performed not too long ago by Ed Phillips.
Look up "FINAL REPORT Cu COIL vs Al COIL" in the archives for the
info. I think they are acceptable in the primary. There is a
difference in Q and resistance (but it's not much). Nothing wrong with
Al primary's in my book.
Take care,
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