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Re: [TCML] measure VDG voltage

>>Can anyone suggest me suggest a method to measure the voltage present on a topload
>> of a Van de Graaf generator?
    Choice of method may depend on size of van de Graaff.

>some form of very high input impedance Efield probe at some distance, where it won't
> get zapped by a stray spark.

    Entire texts have been writ on measuring HV.

    An approach i recall in outline from an 'amateur experimenter' type mag
    of the 1960s was to build up a Looooooooooooooong string of hi meg resistors,
    joints potted up in insulating compound, and the leads need to be carefully
    shaped to evade corona, with a milliammeter/voltmeter at the low end.

    Construction will be a challenge: the field probe may have less pitfalls.

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