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Re: [TCML] pole xfmr - Information Unlimted

Bob Ianinni, owner of Info Unltd, will not be back on the list for some time. He was involved in a very severe auto accident a few months ago that left him paralyzed from the waist down. He is in a wheel chair, and recently had a heart attack and stroke. He is not in good shape and may not survive.

I also recently spoke with him regarding the past quality of some of his kits. He said he is aware of those problems and has now corrected them all. He said every kit they offer has now been built and tested in his lab. He offers no kits that do not work properly.

Bob also said in many cases people would substitute different parts for the recommended parts in his parts list, and then complain because something didn't work.

I'm not defending any prior non working kits, just bringing everyone on this list up to date on his problems and his attempts to rectify poor past performance of his companies kits.


Dr. Resonance

Resonance Research Corp.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Swinson" <list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [TCML] pole xfmr - Information Unlimted

I brought a lot of plans form them like 15 years or so ago, was not on the internet much and knew nothing of mailing lists etc, I found IU and brought a fair few plans, built it and it did not work. Was the BTC3 plans, also brought many others but never built them. the ones I did build did not work either. Eventually found the IRC group run by Mike Hammer to whom I still remember helped me get my coil running all these years latter!


----- Original Message ----- From: "Drake Schutt" <drake89@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2007 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: [TCML] pole xfmr - Information Unlimted

Does the owner of IU not subscribe to the list? Maybe he'd like to chime in but I'm going to have to agree with Timka on this one. Back when I was a TC
noob I bought some plans off of IU and they were first of all TERRIBLE.
Secondly, they required you buy most of the components from them
(conveniently), and they also gave no real tips as to how to build some of
the parts nor assemble them!

my 0.02

On Dec 5, 2007 4:09 PM, Timka <tomasdoc2002@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Information Unlimited is a well known rip off company that has a nasty
habit of charging unreasonable and enormous fees for trivial plans and parts
that you can get elsewhere at the fraction of the cost.
 Also, for those who happened to buy their "plans", by now you would know
that they hide certain components under the veil of proprietary design such
as simple wood wound chokes and mini transformers which they sell for big
bucks but can be made easily if specks are provided (usually presented as
part #16546whatever, available from IU for $$$$). This also applies pretty
much for every electronic part they sell, and as I understand, they make
most of their money by selling to those who are novice to electronics, don't
know good sources of parts or don't have time, skills and tools to put
everything together.
 Oh yes, almost forgot, their assembly job sucks. In 1997 I gave our HS
physics teacher catalog and he ordered something out of it preassembled, he had to resend it back because unit looked like it was assembled by a blind
handicapped person with hands growing out of his ass.
 I would avoid Information Unlimited like a plague…

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