From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: spark gap construction
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 23:25:06 -0600
Original poster: "resonance" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Why go thru all this work when it's simply not necessary?
I've been building coils for 50 years and have
never had to use magnetic fields to acheive the proper quench factor.
Dr. Resonance
This is Matthew again.
what about using two, maybe even four solinoids
perpindicular to the gap? Magnets, I agree
would heat up and weaken, but I don't think
solinoids would. The only problem that I see
though is possibly the heat melting the
solinoids or the spark gap arcing to the solinoids.