Original poster: "Scott Bogard" <teslas-intern@xxxxxxxxxxx> Shelton,This was discussed fairly thoroughly, not too long ago and it is probably in the archives, so I'll recap. The thorium helps a little to start an arc (It sends out ionized particles from radioactive decay or something), but the benefit is almost negligible, as is the health hazard (unless you are purposely breathing the fumes from your spark gap, which you wouldn't do anyway because of ozone). The danger from radiation comes from inhaling a thorium atom, and it lodging in your lung and bombarding it with nasty energy until it decays to something harmless, so use adequate ventilation as with any gap (outside is best, especially for big coils). Small power supplies will pretty much never melt the tungsten away (like NSTs or OBITs), but you can almost watch it disappear with a hefty power supply (like MOTs or pigs). I personally use thoriated electrodes, but you can use whatever is cheaper, and as always, be careful, use ventilation, and don't deliberately inhale the fumes. I hope this helps.
Scott Bogard
From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx Subject: Thoraited Tungsten Rods Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2007 21:36:48 -0600 Original poster: "H.S. J." <hsheltonj@xxxxxxxxx> Hi all,Well...I would like to know all of what happens when you use the thoraited tungsten rods as well as all of the radioactive and health hazard stuff please.Also, how does the Th affect how tungsten rods operate? Or, would pure tungsten rods be better? Or...what?Thanks, -SheltonNo need to miss a message. <http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=43910/*http://mobile.yahoo.com/mail>Get email on-the-go with Yahoo! Mail for Mobile. <http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=43910/*http://mobile.yahoo.com/mail>Get started.
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