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Re: real life applications

Original poster: "resonance" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

If you are using a computer the high freq "flyback" xmfr is producing the HV to run the CRT.

Ever go to a dentist? Oral surgeons use small "Tesla coils" to cut and cauterize gum tissue. Surgeons use HF freq probes to cauterize blood vessels while they operate --- muscles "twitch" violently with DC or low freq AC currents while RF currents can burn tissue without causing serious muscle movement. Radar sets use small HF transformers to guide an airplane you might fly on. Some of the new digital X-ray sets used by dentists and doctors use HF transformers --- again to generate the high potentials.

Tesla invented the TC while he was exploring some strange conditions he noted using Ruhmkorff induction coils with high frequency currents --- he found they worked better with no iron cores at all! A very strange development to be detailed in the historical section in my forthcoming book --- Tesla's Marvelous Transformer: The Tesla Coil.

Dr. Resonance

does anyone know of any real life applications of a tesla coil. I know of the "neat" tricks to do with it (i.e. lighting a lightbulb without wires), but not of any important things. Why would Tesla invent something that could only make sparks and nothing more?

Matthew Boddicker