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Re: Overtones and velocity factors

Original poster: "Gerry  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Terry,

Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

transferred to a computer file for analysis.  Only rough amplitude
calibration needed.  Wide bandwidth, though, say up to 30 times the
TC operating frequency.

Gosh!!  Who has equipment like that!!!  :o)))

I have my small coil (3.75x18) that I dont care about any more. It also has a inverted conical primary so you can get larger coupling. We could use that for a test vehicle.

My problem here is that the play rooms are about 1/4 their original size now... I might need to take a sawsall and start some serious "cleaning up"... :-))) The pool table is going out in 1/8th sections...

We can do the measure over here if you wish and dont want to go outside.

Single shot operation makes racing arcs far more "safe". Would it matter if "miss tuning" was used to help at racing arcs along??

Im thinking there are many mechanisms to induce racing arcs, miss tuning is one of them. Maybe we ought to capture the waveform on several mechanisms - out of tune, top load too small, too much coupling, etc. Ive experienced the first two on the small coil so it is a good candidate.

Variation on the above:  Just fire the primary under various gap
operating conditions, without the secondary (is that possible
or would that damage something?).  See what frequencies are excited
and at what levels.  Knowing that, we can calculate how the
secondary would cope with them.

Spark gaps are very unpredictable and have all kinds off odd quirks that might just add to the noise... Today, (literally - "TODAY" ;-))) we have new gaps that can remove those variations ;-))

We ought to do that as well to get the spectral content of the primary.

Gerry R.