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Re: SRSG - rotor attachment
Original poster: "David Rieben" <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Scott,
I wouldn't even try to argue with you about whether or not
my setup is "convnetional" or "risky" from a power transmission
engineer's point of view. You're probably absolutely correct!
I'm also sure it wouldn't pass OSHA's standards, either! ;^0
As far as that goes, I'm sure most electrical power engineers
(except for maybe the ones on this list) :^)) would tell most, if not all,
of us coilers that from a safety standpoint, our beloved Tesla coils are
"extremely risky and unconvetntional", too, even with all of the
proper dedicated RF grounding, line filtering, ect. I'm sure an OSHA rep
would have "heart failure" if he were to look at the setup of most of our
coils and would never allow for such an extremely hazardous contraption
to be placed in a public display or an industrial occupational setting! Why do
you think that "Tesla coil" insurance is so exhorbitantly expensive,
even for the "real"
Tesla coil "pros" like Jeff Parrise, Bill Wysock, or Greg Leyh when
they are the ones
who "really" know what they're doing? The way I see it, I'm
not running my RSG 24/7
for weeks or months at a time, so I think in my situation, my split
taper bushing
being used "outside the box" of its intended use will serve my
purposes just fine ;^)
I WAS safe enough to built my RSG "inside of a Lexan box", though, to protect
myself not only from a hub possibly flying loose, but also from
possible flying shards
of tungsten, in case it were to fail in that particular manner.
I think it all comes down to risk management. By the very fact that you build a
Tesla coil, you are taking on some risk, both mechanical and
electrical, and probably
other risks as well. There's just no way around that! If one cannot
deal with this fact,
then they just don't need to build a coil at all. End of story! For
those of us who
are willing to accept the risks involved with this hobby, what we try
to do is to
minimize the risk to acceptable levels. By building a Lexan box shield around
my RSG, I'm reducing the risk of possible injury due to possible mechanical
failure of the RSG components to very acceptable levels. I am NOT eliminating
the risk, but I AM greatly reducing it. The same goes for using
proper line filtering,
dedicated RF grounds, panel metering, ect. Some of us obviously go
further to reduce
the risks than others but obviously, we all practice a least some
level of risk reduction
since there seems to be remarkably few reported mishaps (at least
mishaps that people
are willing to admit to) ;^) Let's try to keep it that way ;^))
David Rieben
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 4:38 PM
Subject: Re: SRSG - rotor attachment
Original poster: "Scott Hanson" <huil888@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
David -
OK, now we are starting to get a true picture of your setup.
But, since it looks like you are not using the split taper bushing
as it was designed to be used (radially compressed to grip the motor
shaft), there is really nothing except set screw pressure holding
the whole bushing and RSG disk onto the motor shaft. Also, as you
tighten the set screws, doesn't the "split" in the bushing open up,
reducing the amount of contact area between the bushing and the
motor shaft? It looks like the only thing holding everything
together is the set screws pushing the shaft key against the motor
shaft on one side, and the motor shaft contacting part of the
bushing bore opposite the shaft key. If this is the case, a power
transmission Engineer would probably call it an extremely risky and
unconventional setup, even if it has worked for you.
Scott Hanson
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: SRSG - rotor attachment
Original poster: "David Rieben" <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Ok, I see what y'all are after, now ;^) There are 2
setscrews and 2 tapped holes for the setscrews in the hub
lined up over the shaft key and keyway. I believe that I had to
drill and tapp the screw holes for the setscrews in
the hub myself. I had almost forgotten about that particular
detail of the construction of the RSG. Also, I had to purchase
the little key for the motor shaft, as I don't recall the motor
coming with a key for the shaft keyway.
David Rieben
----- Original Message ----- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, May 14, 2006 1:45 PM
Subject: Re: SRSG - rotor attachment
Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi David,
Curious, we understand how the disc attaches to the hub.
How does the hub attach to the shaft?
Most taper bushing require an external part which the hub presses
into. Thus, as the hub presses into the external part, the shaft
to hub engages. But, the external part is not seen in the photos.
How did you manage to press the hub onto the shaft? I can envision
many methods, but I'm more curious of your solution.
Take care,
Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: DRIEBEN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The only picture that I have off hand is
the 8th picture down on my webpage at:
As you can see in the picture, the 3 bolts