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Re: apartment grounding (was: I'm a newbie coiler!- apartment coiling)

Original poster: "Gerry  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Jim,

I agree, the counterpoise should be grounded. If its not, the voltage on the secondary where the primary is located could settle on some unspecified level (depending on how capacitances are distributed) and flash over to the primary. I'm also thinking that even with a counterpoise, any capacitance to other objects in the room that are earth gounded will return to the secondary base by way of green wire (if this is the only return path). This capacitance may be very small and its impedance may be very large (at some appropriate frequency) so the RF choke impedance may or may not be significant to reduce this RF return current. Any power arc to an earth grounded object in the room would most likely result in the power arc current returning via green wire with or without the choke (the choke would probably just flash over). It is very important to NOT allow streamers in the apartment setting from hitting anything other than the counterpoise, or something directly grounded to it or the secondary coil base.

Gerry R.

Original poster: Jim Lux <jimlux@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

At 08:54 AM 3/14/2006, you wrote:
Original poster: "Peter Terren" <pterren@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

For a ground, connect your secondary base to a large aluminium sheet or a square sheet of fencing wire at least as wide as the coil is high. A Faraday cage is better though and can be very simple with much less RF. A Faraday cage can be connected to mains earth if desired but not essential.

I'd make sure there's some sort of path to "earth ground".. it can be pretty high impedance, but if it's totally floating, and it's a dry day, you can build up a remarkable charge on something that big, and it's unpleasant to get the static spark. OTOH, if it's sitting on a concrete floor or unpainted wood, or 20 year old apartment carpeting with accumulated grime and beer providing a conductive path, then you're in great shape.

Think about one of those antistatic wrist strap things with the high resistance wire.

This is one I made for the local Uni Physics Dept with a cage.
