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Re: 10KVA saturable reactors on eBay! (New, cheap & heavy!)

Original poster: David Speck <Dave@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Note that these are rated for 10 kVA at 440 VAC. If you run them at 220 that most of us have, then they would only handle 5 kVA, That would only be about 23 amps. You should be able to manage that with two pairs of MOT SRs in series, and at a lot less weight, and a lot less money.

Tesla list wrote:
Original poster: "J. Aaron Holmes" <jaholmes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

The item is 7573657637.

They look remarkably like three-phase transformers.

The center winding is labelled "DC", so that's
obviously the control.  You will note, however, that
the center leg of the core is also much thicker than
the outer legs, not the same as a three-phase