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Re: Mercury

Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


I looked around on the web and there is a lot of "goofy" information about mercury poisoning. Problem is, most of the "mad as a hatter" type symptoms, along with the lesser ones, have other pretty drastic symptoms too that Tesla did not seem to have a problem with. Many of them would also be typical of someone who was 80 years old...

We don't have any accounts of him pouring boiling mercury all day and then going crazy with bleeding gums, blisters, and hair falling out for the next few weeks... All we have is that he was sort of strange, and apparently more so in old age... But, many genius type people as well as sub genius people are like that too...

Of course, he certainly had the opportunity and means to become poisoned, but not much evidence at all that he did, or it affected his behavior.

Tesla's behavior was "different" since he was a child, long before he was playing with mercury and x-rays. He no doubt came into contact with many other toxics too (ozone %:-))... But there is no way to know for sure judging from reports of his odd moments (0.01% of the time) what if any these chemicals might have caused.

There is only one chance to know for sure. The Tesla museum has a lock of his hair... I guess a strand or two could be analyzed to see if it contains any odd substances in significant quantity. But mercury would have probably left his body by old age so it might not show anyway. He was cremated so little hope there... Some of his equipment is still around that could be tested for chemical contamination too. But I think we will all be old and crazy before any of that happens ;-))

He also suffered sever illness as a child...

I think we are going to have to accept the fact we will never know if Tesla was poisoned by any of his work. I guess he must have been a tiny bit in any case, but the real affects can never be known now. It is probably simply a case of this very smart man being simply "a little different".

This subject came up to 2002 also and Dr. Wall (stork) did not think he had any of the symptoms.



At 01:46 PM 3/9/2006, you wrote:

Hi Dave,

To hopefully prevent this thread from devolving into a Jihad, let me summarize a few things about Tesla.

We know that Tesla was a Genius who developed many useful electrical devices and not less than one workable system to power them.

We know that in his youth, Tesla exhibited symptoms consistent with auditory and visual hallucinations.

We know that as a young man he exhibited symptoms consistent with several neuroses.

We know that throughout his life, he exhibited behaviors consistent with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

We know that later in his life, he exhibited many symptoms consistent with Mercury poisoning.

We know that towards the end of his life he exhibited symptoms consistent with Dementia.

What we CANNOT, know is to what extent, if at all, these are causally connected or to what extent they were cultivated affectations.. Many rationalists may be convinced of the Mersury theory, and as many true believers will find reasons not to, but we can all agree on point #1.

Matt D.

In a message dated 3/9/06 8:56:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, tesla@xxxxxxxxxx writes:
Original poster: Davetracer@xxxxxxx

I think the discussion of mercury possibly having an effect on Tesla
is quite interesting.

I was curious as to just when mercury was banned. Here is what
Wikipedia said, under "mercury":

Its use resulted in widespread cases of
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury_poisoning>mercury poisoning
among hatters. Symptoms included
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotional_lability>emotional lability,
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dementia>dementia and
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucination>hallucinations. The
States Public Health Service banned the use of mercury in the felt
industry in December 1941.
This information from Wikipedia 3/8/2006.

Of course, Tesla died in 1943.

While I have enormous respect for what Tesla accomplished -- I don't
think we would have our present A/C distribution system without him,
for example -- I think it is possible that mercury, and possibly
extremely high electric fields we all know, had effects on him.

     -- thanks,

     Dave Small