I have tried replying a couple of times to the email you sent me offlist,
but I don't seem to be getting through. Perhaps your spam filter is eating
my emails.
Anyway, I wanted to thank you for the voltage doubler schematic and ask a
couple of questions.
In your email you said you were using 3 MMC caps in series. I don't know
what value they are, but I have some 500pF/40kV doorknob type caps. Will
these work instead, or is the capacitance too low?
Also, I have an old RRI cap, marked :
RRI Part No. 208
.025 MFD @ 35kV
What is the construction of this cap? Is it good for Tesla use?
I looked on your site for MMC caps, but I don't see a page for them. What
values and prices do you have?
Thanks, and sorry to use the list to get hold of you.