Original poster: Vardan <vardan01@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Hi again, :-) I have been considering this: http://drsstc.com/~sisg/files/BigSISGCoil/Thought-001.gifIf L block is say 5mH (it only isolates the Tesla primary circuit from the rest of the charging circuit), we form a resonant circuit among C1 C2, C3 and Lblock. the Q is:
Lblock / ((1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3) * Rblock-Qbreaker) That is "Q" = 204 / Rblock-Qbreaker.So we need a 204 ohm resistor in there or it oscillates like a stuffed pig on meth. Might have been Mark's problem with is earlier coils not wanting to turn off the SISG... But really, you are better off with just a pure isolating resistor...
The study goes on... Cheers, Terry
Hi again Scott,For the next coil I will be using an inductor. I all looks something like this:http://drsstc.com/~sisg/files/BigSISGCoil/Schematic.pdf Cheers, Terry At 09:49 PM 7/18/2006, you wrote:Terry - Is there a particular reason why you are using a resistor instead of an inductor for current-limiting on the high side of the DC power supply in your small SISG coil? The resistor is described in your "Small SISG Tesla Coil" white paper, but not why it is used instead of an inductor. In this specific application, what are the benefits and drawbacks of resistance vs inductance? Regards, Scott.........