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Re: 8 kHz Tesla Coil

Original poster: "Gerry  Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Malcolm,

No comment is a waste of time in the persuit of knowledge and truth. I think I understand what you were getting at. If one uses a wire size where the current density is low in the center (that I called a waste of copper), one might opt to fix that by using a smaller guage and this will result in an increase of AC resistance.

One question unresolved in my mind is how important it is to have the optimum unloaded Q considering that once breakout starts, the coil becomes loaded and Q drops to a low number. Is the issue just one of power dissapated in the wire or are there other issues???

Gerry R.

Original poster: "Malcolm Watts" <m.j.watts@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

I agree that the AC resistance doesn't drop in proportion to the DC
resistance but it does still drop. As wire size increases, at some
point there will be a peak in Q where the copper loss is more than
offset by the drop in inductance as you know. Sorry - perhaps my
comment was a waste of time.