Original poster: "Malcolm Watts" <m.j.watts@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Gerry,
On 20 Sep 2005, at 10:33, Tesla list wrote:
> Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Since I dont have a complete design for a huge 8KHz coil (and I
> really dont want to invest too much time in it), I use my 8x36 coil as
> an example. It uses a 15Kx120ma power source and a synchronous gap
> with 55nf Cp. Ip_peak is 700 amps (with a 8x32 toroid and tapped at
> 12 turns). Lp=70uh and Ls=80mh. If I use the energy equations and
> assume no loss from primary to secondary, then Is_peak=Ip_peak *
> sqrt(Lp/Ls) or about 21amps. The energy transfer time is 50us and I
> run at 120bps. If I assume that Is_peak does not decay and stays
> constant for the full 50us then I calculate the
> Is_rms=0.707*Is_peak*(50us*120bps) or about 90ma. Since my coil is 61
> ohms DC, the power loss in the windings is about 1/2 watt. However,
> as you rightfully mention, the skin depth for my operating frequency
> is 9 mils and I use 23 awg with a radius of about 11 mils. So my wire
> accomodates only a little more than one skin depth. Therefore, the
> current density at the center is about 1/e or 40% of the current
> density at the surface. The AC resistance will therefore be larger
> and I will guess that the 61 ohms is no more than 120 ohms at
> resonance. Even with the larger effective resistance, the power loss
> in the coil would be 1 watt. I've tried to make my simplifying
> assumptions to error on the high side so the actual power loss should
> be less.
> If the skin depth is very large compared to the wire size, it seems
> like the resistance approaches the DC resistance (current density in
> the center is about the same as at the surface). If the wire size is
> very large compared to the skin depth, most of the current flows on
> the surface and the resistance of the wire become inversely
> proportional to the wire diameter instead wire cross sectional area.
> In other words, a wire with too large of a diameter is a waste of
> copper.
I don't think so. I struggled with understanding this for quite a
while. If the diameter of the wire is equivalent to a skin depth or
so, the AC resistance (ignoring proximity effect) becomes
commensurate with the DC resistance of the wire (which of course also
climbs as the wire gets smaller).