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Re: ALF: why not DRSSTC?
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: ALF: why not DRSSTC?
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:55:07 -0600
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Original poster: Steve Conner <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
I'm curious as to why not DRSSTC instead of OLTC? It seems (at
least on our hobbyist level) that the DRSSTC can outperform an OLTC
for similar amount of silicon used.
Yes, me too. The OLTC II coil that I built is pretty much a 1/4 scale
model of one of Greg's scale model ALF towers. It uses exactly the
same drive system as Greg plans to use, although minus the energy
recycling feature. I couldn't take advantage of this since I was
using an old-fashioned resonant charging circuit rather than Greg's
nice switched-mode CCPS. (there never seemed to be much energy left
to recycle anyway...)
The other Steve's DRSSTC II used the same amount of silicon as my
OLTC II: four 1200V 300A switches versus two 1200V 600A switches.
The DRSSTC II sparked about 11ft whereas the OLTC II struggled to
reach 7ft (the biggest spark ever measured was 6' 9") with roughly
the same input power of 4kW. Maybe energy recycling would shift the
balance, but this vulgar display of plasma certainly convinced _me_
to can the OLTC and shift all my coiling activities to DRSSTCs.
Although I do keep the OLTCs around so I have something to play with
when the DRSSTC blows up ;) Having said that, I haven't blown it yet.
Steve Conner