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Re: Uman's book (was:The Electrum Project)

Original poster: boris petkovic <petkovic7@xxxxxxxxx>

I searched for these titles at amazon.com and found
there were 4 different books on lightning authorized
by Martin Uman.

1."Lightning" ,320p,1967.

2."The Lightning Discharge",377p,1987.(The book I own)

3."All About Lightning"

4."Lightning:Physics and Effects",680p,2003.

1 and 2 are not quite all the same.
Which one do folks prefer?

While these two are available at reasonable price of
~$10,the  book 4 is priced $220!
It must be so darn good or  printed in silver and


--- Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Original poster: Ed Phillips <evp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> "Ed et al.,
> I purchased few years ago "The Lightning
> Discharge",1987., edited by M Uman.
> The price of the book was ~15 $ ,from  memory.
> Is there any important difference between that book
> and book "Lightning" or it is essentialy the same
> one
> only entitled  differently a bit?
> Boris
> -----"
> 	Haven't seen it so don't know.  Anyone else?
> Ed

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