Original poster: "David Rieben" <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Also, since I'm starting to pull currents that even tax my
60 amp 240 volt service, I just ordered (10) 100 uFd, 370
VAC power factor running caps and I was wanting to try
to PFC the input to my pig with them. Bart's Java TC De-
signer states 691 uFd PFC for my setup and I was won-
dering how I should wire these caps with the pig's inputs? I
assume in parallel with the 240 volt inputs of the pig? I guess
I would try 7 of these in parallel with the 240 volt input to
the pig first. I've heard it's a bad thing to OVER power
factor correct with too much capacitance.
Thanks for any comments,
David Rieben