Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Bart,
After looking at the Fraga equation again, it does look and L and C
directly. It uses the product of L and C by virtue of the frequency
needed for skin depth. Your Les and Ces are the frequency
determining equivalents that are suppose to be accurate to like
1%. How accurate are Medhurst C and Wheeler L in predicting the
correct frequency. I doubt there will be any significant difference
especially since f gets sqrt'd which will cut the error in half.
Gerry R.
Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson" <bartb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Also, with Fraga, Gary used Medhurst C and L. I wonder how it plays
out with Ces and Les in place of Medhurst? As a matter of fact, I
wonder how well a lumped effective L and C would work with all the
equations? They probably won't change a great deal (but, I haven't
looked at that).
Take care,