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Re: Current Limiting and Impedence
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: Current Limiting and Impedence
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 13 May 2005 11:49:29 -0600
- Delivered-to: testla@pupman.com
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- Resent-date: Fri, 13 May 2005 11:50:39 -0600 (MDT)
- Resent-from: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
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Original poster: "Dr. Resonance" <resonance@xxxxxxxxxx>
145-160 turns will work well with a pig. It will give you approximately
140-150 mH which is the inductance required to limit your current in the 30
amp range with a 3 x 4 inch cross section of Supercil C-10. Works good with
a .05 to .06 uF capacitance value.
Dr. Resonance
> I dont think the 160 turn ballast would Saturate ,as long as I have a
> , I really, really appreciate your help/ideas, but, all this math is
> WAY over my head ,....the original 150-160 turn idea came from a man that
> makes transformers/inductors for a buisness , ...he said to keep the turns
> down a bit , or , it may saturate,.... heck, I dont know !! Lots of turns
> , BIG air gap , Few turns, Smaller air gap,.....Brett , at Precision
> Transformer in Ft C helped me out when I went up there to pick up my #12
> wire ,....493-9094, (2506 Zuric Dr #5 )............
> >From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
> >To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: Re: Current Limiting and Impedence
> >Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 10:28:10 -0600
> >
> >Original poster: "Gerald Reynolds" <gerryreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> >Hi David,
> >
> >You can put your ballast inductor directly across your variac and
> >plot the current as a function of the variac's output voltage. and
> >see how linear it is and if it saturates. The impedance of the
> >inductor will be Xp = Vp/Ip (assuming the resistance is negligable).
> > Choose a Vp,Ip pair for where you intend to operate it at.
> >Assuming your ballast does not saturate, you can transfer the
> >primary ballast impedance to the secondary by multiplying it by the
> >turns ratio squared. Xs = Xp * N^2. Cres can then be calculated as
> >follows:
> >
> >Cres (nf) = 10^9 / (2*pi*freq*Xs)
> >
> >If both of your ballast configurations limit the current at 14 amps,
> >the effective inductance should be the same and where you are
> >relative to charging resonance will depend on your Cp. This assumes
> >no saturation. If the 160 turn ballast saturates, its effectivce
> >inductance will go down.
> >
> >Gerry R.
> >
> >
> >
> >>Original poster: "david baehr" <dfb25@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Ok, I had trouble when I substituted a static spark gap with a
> >>SRSG , would not operate correctly ,....it was suggested that my
> >>home made ballast( gapped 'E' and 'I' core ) was resonating with
> >>the ballast, and,I should add more turns to the ballast. Now, just
> >>say I wanted a short circuit value of 14 amps , would there be a
> >>diff in resonance if I had 270 turns at 14amps , but having to
> >>remove the 'I' completly from the 'E' to reach that value , or , to
> >>have 160 turns , but having the 'I' shimmed about .06" to reach the
> >>14amps Im lookin for ??? ....between these two configurations ,
> >>would they still have the same resonances with the cap or ??,,,,,,
> >>Heck , I dont know !!!!
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >