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Re: RF ground - Call Before You Dig!
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: RF ground - Call Before You Dig!
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 14:17:03 -0600
- Delivered-to: testla@pupman.com
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- Resent-date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 14:23:31 -0600 (MDT)
- Resent-from: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
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Original poster: Yurtle Turtle <yurtle_t@xxxxxxxxx>
In my state, they usually don't enter private
property. The whole system was setup for utility
contractors working within rights-of way. Since the
utilities usually own the service lines up to the
meter, you can probably get them to locate gas, and
power up to your house. Phone and cable depend on who
ownes the service line, and the water line after your
meter is your problem. Since it's usually plastic, it
can't be located anyway.
--- Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Original poster: Terry Fritz
> <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi,
> At 07:16 PM 6/28/2005, you wrote:
> > I then pounded an 8 foot copper rod down until I
> had about 1.5" sticking up.
> BTW - Before you pound in that big stake... It is a
> "real good idea", and
> often a "law" now, to get a hold of your state's
> "one call" or "Call Before
> You Dig!" folks:
> http://www.uncc2.org/excavators/index.shtml
> You call this place, totally for free, and in the
> next very few days all
> kinds of interesting utility folks will drop by and
> make sure you are NOT
> going to hit gas, electric, sewer, cable, telephone,
> etc. lines that are
> buried. Utilities are often required to do this
> free since nobody wants
> you hitting that big underground high-pressure LNG
> pipeline the realtor
> forgot to tell you about and incinerating half the
> town... If you hit say
> a water line under your garage floor, you could be
> in deep S as that
> backhoe rips out your flooding garage floor...
> Calling this place makes it so you are not "liable"
> for a bunch of nasty
> things too... A friend of mine ripped out a cable
> TV line and took out 1/2
> his neighbor's TVs for a week with a garden
> tiller... The TV place was
> "real mad!!" and going to charge him bad until they
> found out he "did" call
> and they missed it... They "quietly" came and
> re-buried the line 8 feet
> deep (to code) the "second" time... I have called
> mine recently and it is
> very easy and fun! I knew there was nothing there,
> but it is no big deal
> at all just to be "official"...
> You can usually Google search for "one call" plus
> your state's name for
> local details... The number to call is probably
> stamped all over your
> local utility trucks too. They take it "real
> serious" here!!!
> Be sure to tell them you are installing a Tesla
> coil. "A what?...." A
> "T-E-S-L-A C-O-I-L"... "...Is that like a
> concrete foundation
> trench?"...... They will type it into the computer
> right if you "spell it
> out" ;-)) Be interesting to see if the FBI, police,
> and DHS show up too*
> :o))) A "Tesla coil installation" will be sure to
> bring out the "best
> folks" from the utilities that will really be "into
> it" ;-)) "This guy on
> Plum street is installing a "T-E-S-L-A C-O-I-L"...
> OH!!!! Yeah
> boss!! I'll take that one!!!!! "Ahhhh,... OK
> Joe,... that one is
> yours...." :o)))
> Cheers,
> Terry
> *Just tell them "It is a secret Tesla weapon to
> incinerate terrorists
> 'without wires', you won't understand it, and don't
> go telling nobody about
> it!!" >:o))))
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