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Re: RF ground - Call Before You Dig!

Original poster: "Malcolm Watts" <m.j.watts@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

On 28 Jun 2005, at 21:11, Tesla list wrote:

> Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi,
> At 07:16 PM 6/28/2005, you wrote:
> >  I then pounded an 8 foot copper rod down until I had about 1.5"
> >  sticking up.
> BTW - Before you pound in that big stake...  It is a "real good idea",
> and often a "law" now, to get a hold of your state's "one call" or
> "Call Before You Dig!" folks:
> http://www.uncc2.org/excavators/index.shtml
> You call this place, totally for free, and in the next very few days
> all kinds of interesting utility folks will drop by and make sure you
> are NOT going to hit gas, electric, sewer, cable, telephone, etc.
> lines that are buried.  Utilities are often required to do this free
> since nobody wants you hitting that big underground high-pressure LNG
> pipeline the realtor forgot to tell you about and incinerating half
> the town...  If you hit say a water line under your garage floor, you
> could be in deep S as that backhoe rips out your flooding garage
> floor...

Mind you, you would have a _very_ good ground (for a while). Sorry, I
couldn't resist ;)


> Calling this place makes it so you are not "liable" for a bunch of
> nasty things too... A friend of mine ripped out a cable TV line and
> took out 1/2 his neighbor's TVs for a week with a garden tiller...
> The TV place was "real mad!!" and going to charge him bad until they
> found out he "did" call and they missed it... They "quietly" came and
> re-buried the line 8 feet deep (to code) the "second" time... I have
> called mine recently and it is very easy and fun! I knew there was
> nothing there, but it is no big deal at all just to be "official"...
> You can usually Google search for "one call" plus your state's name
> for local details... The number to call is probably stamped all over
> your local utility trucks too. They take it "real serious" here!!!
> Be sure to tell them you are installing a Tesla coil. "A what?...."
> A "T-E-S-L-A C-O-I-L"... "...Is that like a concrete foundation
> trench?"...... They will type it into the computer right if you
> "spell it out" ;-)) Be interesting to see if the FBI, police, and DHS
> show up too* :o))) A "Tesla coil installation" will be sure to
> bring out the "best folks" from the utilities that will really be
> "into it" ;-)) "This guy on Plum street is installing a "T-E-S-L-A
> C-O-I-L"... OH!!!! Yeah boss!! I'll take that one!!!!! "Ahhhh,...
> OK Joe,... that one is yours...." :o)))
> Cheers,
> Terry
> *Just tell them "It is a secret Tesla weapon to incinerate terrorists
> 'without wires', you won't understand it, and don't go telling nobody
> about it!!" >:o))))