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Re: Coupling vs secondary voltage chart

Original poster: Steve Ward <steve.ward@xxxxxxxxx>

This seems to go against your idea that low K would somehow be better,
doesnt it?

I think the rate at which the voltage is changing on the toroid is
more important than the overall voltage.  Low K should take a long
time to build up, despite that it may build to a higher voltage.  I
think overall the sparks will be shorter =\.

I am awaiting your experimental tests/results on all of this!


On 6/15/05, Tesla list <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hi All,
> I set ScanTesla to find out how coupling affects top voltage.
> I used the data from my big coil:
> http://hot-streamer.com/TeslaCoils/MyCoils/BigCoil/BigCoil.htm
> The coupling ran from 0.01 to 0.99 in 0.001 steps.  The load was 3.83pF
> calculated from the initial primary cap energy (21kV  28nF) using the Freau
> formula.
> The primary coil was tuned to maximum top voltage at each coupling level to
> within 0.1uH.  I cut the fluff out of a special optimized version of the
> program so it could do 1000+ models/second!  441000 calculations (400
> seconds - 1,200,000,000,000 machine cycles!) later...  Here is the graph:
> http://hot-streamer.com/temp/KvsVtop-BigCoil.gif
> Cheers,
>         Terry