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Relativistic Runaway Breakdown Model for Lightning
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Relativistic Runaway Breakdown Model for Lightning
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2005 11:59:15 -0600
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Original poster: Greg Leyh <lod@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi All,
An interesting paper by A.V. Gurevich and K.P. Zybin appears in the May
issue of Phys Today, titled "Runaway Breakdown and the Mysteries of
Lightning." If you have access to a copy of Physics Today I strongly
recommend reading this article.
One of the mysteries they address is how natural lightning can originate
and propagate with an average electric field of only [200kV/m] -- an order
of magnitude below what is needed to breakdown air at STP [2MV/m]. They
provide a compelling argument that a relativistic electron chain reaction,
initially triggered by a cosmic ray-induced shower, is the principal
mechanism for generating the ionization necessary to trigger the main
lightning strike.
The theory for Relativistic Runaway Breakdown states that as an electrons'
energy increases, the braking force due to collisions decreases as
1/energy, until the electron starts to become relativistic and reaches a
'critical runaway energy' of 0.1 to 1MeV. At this point, if the electron
is in an electric field greater than about 200kV/m it will actually
accelerate; it's frictive forces now being less than the accelerating
forces. The relativistic electron can now ionize other atoms, spawning new
relativistic electrons in a chain reaction. The electric field cannot by
itself originate the first relativistic electrons, as there's too much
friction on the slow, classical electrons. However, a cosmic-ray-induced
shower can provide the seed electrons. The authors provide a substantial
amount of fascinating data, collected from both terrestrial observation
stations and from spacecraft, to support their theory.
One of the collaborating researchers, G.Milikh, recently gave an
interesting powerpoint presentation outlining the Relativistic Runaway
Breakdown process, and how runaway electron beams can produce some of the
diffuse, high altitude discharges observed between thunderclouds and the
ionosphere. Milikh's presentation can for the present time be downloaded
from here:
This theory has some very interesting implications for large coils.
Assuming classical electron behavior, there is a critical maximum size for
a disruptive coil, beyond which it's ability to produce longer sparks falls
to zero. This is due to the Fo larger coils becoming so low that the
minimum possible time between firings starts to exceed the ion
recombination times in air, allowing the arc channel to fully extinguish
between firings.
However if one allows for relativistic runaway breakdown effects, there is
a critical *minimum* coil size that reaches the state where only 200kV/m is
needed to generate the arc channel. Both Gurevich and Milikh calculate
that the characteristic length needed in air for the exponential growth of
a relativistic runaway breakdown is about 50m.
Milikh suggests that the electric field needs to be supported over a length
several times this, about 150m. To achieve this scenario, a twin coil
system is required with a physical scale of about 240ft high, 50ft diameter
each tower, and a tower to tower spacing of about 450ft. Each tower would
need to generate a peak voltage of about 15MV. These are
back-of-the-envelope calculations of course, but such a coil structure is
arguably practical. Perhaps the most important point, however, is that
there might not be a maximum limit on coil size, but rather a 'dead zone'
between the maximum classical limit and the minimum relativistic limit
described above.