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primary/secondary interaction
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: primary/secondary interaction
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 18:16:31 -0700
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- Resent-date: Fri, 4 Feb 2005 18:18:05 -0700 (MST)
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Original poster: "Jason Judd" <JJudd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello list,
during the last year or so that I have been working on DRSSTCs I have
noticed that the secondary coil seems to pull the primary frequency around
quite a bit. With a VCO driving the inverter this frequency change causes
non zero current or hard switching of the IGBTs. The amount of frequency
shift seems to depend on the Primary impedance. My first DRSSTC primary had
an impedance of around 2 Ohms and seemed not to drift around very much. My
current primary is around 25 Ohms and is pulled all over the place.
I don't really have enough maths knowledge here to work out what is really
happening so I am hopping someone can explain what is happening and what
the relationships are so I can predict and simulate future behaviour and
optimise primary and secondary design for stable operation.