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Re: Coiling almanac

Original poster: Terry Fritz <teslalist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi Paul,

I have webspace for it but not sure "I" can maintain it "just yet" ;-))) Maybe a very simple "write only" directory with instructions. Any folks could add a new updated file version whenever they wish, but all the other files would all be preserved in case a 'nut' tries something :-)) Just a simple text format file... Over time, maybe natural selection will produce the best file.... we sort of have to let the internet take care of itself...

* MMCs? Terry Fritz, but when?

No. Reinhard Walter Buchner in the summer of 1988. Chip blew his Halloween coil later that year when I independently started working on the idea. I built "Uno" (now with the Geek Group) and it worked fine. But Reinhard made the first successful one with the "full MMC idea" in mind six months earlier. I have never forgiven him for that >:o))) I was a big "cheerleader" and helped with testing out the bugs for sure, but it was "Reinhard"....

Many coilers tried "MMCs" in the past, but the new poly caps "finally" made them work. The capacitor makers deserve the credit for finally making a us a "good" cap that finally really worked and changed our world!! ;-))

I had the first non-profit MMC cap mail order business though and still have the profits to prove it!! ;o))))))))

* LTR? As above.

MicroSim and computer modeling found that one. I was just the dumb monkey pushing the keys and making the graphs. The model was set to find the best capacitor size for a SRSG system... "MicroSim's" answer "changed things"!!! I have always credited "computer modeling" for the LTR coil... It was the first time the computer models kicked major a**!!! A triumph for computer modeling at a time where some were still scoffing at them... They have not scoffed since :-)))))) A time when the glory was best given to "computer modeling"... and so it shall be... Others may have known of the idea, but the computer really worked out the details and brought it to us all...

Many I am sure thought of a low-voltage high-current primary type coil. But my "OLTC" did finally make a workable one with considerable detail help from so many on the list.. Mark Rs's program showing that it could "work" deserves a ton of credit too... I think Antonio showed that a simple diode in one direction could allow a simple unidirectional switch to perform the task.... I'll take credit for the basic E-Tesla thing since I worked so hard on that one, but many others (took my BASIC program along to a super fast compiled C program) helped turn it into a useful tool. Karl Gauss really was really the "genius" there...

* Significant milestones in measurement and instrumentation.

Gosh, I spent 3 minutes figuring out the details for this one:


But it sort of "locked" that subject into line ;-)))

We will find that so many things were the work of many and were done long ago, but we "forgot".... I have always had a very hard time "taking credit" for anything since I know someone else did it before.... Our list might need a judge and jury soon, and maybe an executioner :o)))



At 09:03 AM 4/4/2005, you wrote:
Hi All,

I'm not aware of a coiling almanac.  Why don't we make one?

This would consist of a year by year list of significant milestones
in the art and science of coiling - the technical developments and
inventions, the theoretical advances, the well known 'Big Coils',
and so on.  We should confine it to coiling (professional and hobby)
rather than Tesla and other Tesla related subjects.

For example, recent discussions of Fres calculations by coilers
suggest three little milestones on the theoretical side,

* 1987: William Kolb points out a reliable velocity factor
* 1995: Malcolm Watts introduces use of Medhurst C.
* 1999: Terry Fritz computes shunt C from the geometry.

I don't think there are many items on theory topics, but there must
be loads of stuff on the practical/construction/operation side of

I'm suggesting here just a simple year/who/what.   It would be nice
to make a list which would include perhaps the following and more,

* Well known and/or influential coil designs in popular magazines
or journals.

* The trend from sphere toploads to toroids.  When and who?

* The move from long thin coils to shorter, fatter.

* First use of pole pigs, MOTs, OBITS, that kind of stuff.

* Spark gap technology.  Must be lots of stuff under this topic.

* MMCs?  Terry Fritz, but when?

* LTR?  As above.

* Solid state developments.

* VTTC developments.

* Evolution of primary designs, helical to bowl shaped to flat spiral.

* The big coils and well known museum/exhibition coils.

* Significant milestones in measurement and instrumentation.

* The many well known and/or useful computer programs.

Potentially there could be a very interesting list put together
here. We should make a little effort to help ensure that the efforts
and contributions made by generations of coilers are not forgotten.

I'll gather any suggestions made and put them into a list.
Paul Nicholson