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Original poster: "Eastern Voltage Research Corporation" <dhmccauley-at-easternvoltageresearch-dot-com>
And don't forget that the DRSSTC work isn't limited to just a "Member's
Only" club involving Jimmy Hynes and Steve Ward.
There are other individuals out there who are further pioneering the
technology as well.
Follow Steve Conner's and Antonio's discussions here on the TCML regarding
the operational theory of the DRSSTC. Steve Conner
has already drafted a DRSSTC specific design formula.
Other member's DRSSTC sites:
RayeR's DRSSTC page:
Jason J's DRSSTC page:
And a few others as well but can't seem to locate their webpages.
There are also lots of DRSSTC discussions ongoing (and past) on the
www.4hV-dot-org forums if you want more detailed information / photos / etc...
of DRSSTC coils (especially by those who do not have personal websites)
> DRSSTC stands for "Double/Dual Resonant Solid State Tesla Coil." It's
> a topology initially pioneered by Jimmy Hynes (
> http://www.hot-streamer-dot-com/chunkyboy86 ) and then further advanced
> and publicized by Steve Ward ( http://www.hot-streamer-dot-com/srward16 ).
> By using a bridge of IGBTs driving a tuned primary circuit, this
> variety of SSTCs can match and, quite often, exceed the efficiency of
> a spark gap coil (Steve's largest DRSSTC produces nearly 12' streamers
> from less than 5kW).
> Dan Strother