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Re: Small DC DC Conveter (SMPS) Design Help
Original poster: "Greg Leyh" <lod-at-pacbell-dot-net>
>Original poster: "Adam Horden" <adamhorden-at-acidtech-dot-net>
>Hi All,
>I took on the headache of building a full bridge and gate driver for a
>CM600HA igbt brick full bridge. The bricks are the same the ones on Steve
>Conners OLTC.
>I have done the design of the gate drivers and everything works very
>nicely just awaiting the pcbs from the pcb house now.
>I need 4 isolated supplies (small step-down transformer and no good here
>due to the winding inter capacitance and using 4 transformers 4 lots of
>fuses 4 regulator stages seems a bit long winded)
>So I came up with this idea.
>40V supply (LV transformer full wave rectified and smoothed) > pwm osc
>40Khz > mosfet driver stage > full bridge IRFP460 > transformer > 4 x
>secondary 45V 1A
>Everything up to the transformer is pretty standard.
>There is a block diagram here http://www.acidtech-dot-net/ah-dmdrv-isolated.html
If you want to cut 'straight to the chase', I use these regularly for
supplying the isolated power to gate drive circuits:
In particular, I use the NMV1215D. It can supply +/- 15V or 30V total,
which is plenty to fully turn on the IGBT.