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thanx everyone for your help

Original poster: Jimbo07031982-at-aol-dot-com 

Everyone i thank you for your help with all of the questions I have had I 
found that I need more primary turns first off. Secondly do to a lack of 
transportation i had to go ahead and use carbon rod's and i think this is 
playing a big role in the lack a spark's and function in my coil and i made 
my toriod to large also i don't think i really have enough power i was only 
able to get my hands on (3) 6000v 30mA transformer's i thought i would be 
able to wire them together but can't seem to figure out how to do it 
anyway's I am rambling about things so once again thanks for your help 
everyone and I just think I am going to start from square one again.

                                                             thanks again