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Re: Just about

Original poster: "John Richardson" <jprich-at-up-dot-net> 


I'm seeing several problems with your design.  first, I would consider
losing your entire primary design.  You are going to experience nothing but
overcoupling problems.  Stick with a flat pancake design.  You may want to
make a toroid out of Al ducting and consider losing the iron ball as a
secondary output.  Stick with the tried and true copper pipe spark gap.
Super simple and easy to build.  There are loads of pictures of various
designs on the web.  Place a safety gap across your NST.  A piece of wire
from each NST terminal to the NST case, with about 1/4 inch spacing between
the two, should suffice.  And to answer your grounding question, ground the
NST and the bottom of the secondary to a pipe driven into the ground, or
even a cold water pipe if nothing else is available.  Good luck.

John Richardson
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Monday, May 03, 2004 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: Just about

 > Original poster: Nir Weingarten <nirzvi-at-yahoo-dot-com>
 > Cheers to all.
 > It is me once more yet this time I have a web page
 > that could help you help me so please visit:
 > http://planet.nana.co.il/Jufid/nir/nir.htm
 > The page contains probably all of the information
 > about my very first nearly completed TC (with
 > pictures, plans etc...), and at its end is a small
 > list of the issues I need to deal with.
 > I assure you that your help will not be in vain!
 > Thank you all
 > Nir (NOT NEAR) Weingarten, Israel
 > =====
 > Best wishes
 >                                                Nir(NOT NEAR) Weingarten
 > Israel