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Re: Kool-Aid Acid Test, condesation of mists?

Original poster: Jim Lux <jimlux-at-earthlink-dot-net> 

At 08:30 AM 3/16/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>Original poster: "teri mckenney" <mck-at-ezy-dot-net>
>Hello all.
>So I got this old book ,Experiments, by Philip e Edelman
>copyright 1914 by Philip e Edelman ,which sold for $1.50. 
>Pretty  expensive, since his book "How to make and use a wireless station" 
>cost .12 cents  : 0) Anyway, on page 132 (chapter 15, Experiments with 
>high frequency currents) at the bottom he starts a paragraph that say's 
>"An experiment illustrating  the condensation of mists, vapors,fogs,or 
>chimney dust by electricity is shown in Figs. 90 and 91. While the current 
>is turned off, place a small porcelain plate at the bottom and 
>center,inside the secondary coil. Place two pieces of saturated filter 
>paper on this plate near together,one piece being saturated with ammonia 
>and the other with hydrochloric acid.This should give an issue of fumes.

That would be tiny crystals of ammonium chloride.  "relatively" safe as far 
as chemical dusts go.

>When the fumes have attained considerable volume turn on the current. A 
>practically perfect condensation of the fumes should result.The experiment 
>may be repeated with smoke from a smudge or vapors and is the basis of a 
>process for recovering valuable products of chimney dusts"
>Maybe I can get one of my kids to scan the pics so I can post them.Is 
>anybody familiar with this experiment and if so can they explain in 
>further detail whats going on?
>Bill Mck.
>P.S. Its a big old secondary wound around what looks like a wooden frame 
>with fairly large wire and in "Fig 90" it shows a "foggy" fume.In "Fig 91" 
>it shows a secondary with no "smoke".