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Re: Kool-Aid Acid Test, condesation of mists?
Original poster: Matthew Smith <matt-at-kbc-dot-net.au>
Bill Mck wrote:
>experiment illustrating the condensation of mists, vapors,fogs,or chimney
>dust by electricity is shown in Figs. 90 and 91.
Matthew replies:
Sounds to me like an electrostatic precipitator, invented by Fred Cottrell
back in 1907. Google found this:
<http://www.invent-dot-org/hall_of_fame/34.html> but there's much more material
out there on construction methods, etc.
I built a Cottrell device last year to try to get some of the dust out of
the air in the house. Air passes through corona wires, dust acquires a
charge and is then attracted to subsequently opposite-charged plates. Mine
used a flyback and voltage multiplier to provide the charges. AC works as
well but with different characteristics.
Had a job keeping mine from arcing over and producing ozone so a TC may
just be a bit of an overkill unless you've got HUGE electrode spacing.
Here's a picture of a really old lab version in action:
Matthew Smith
Kadina Business Consultancy
South Australia