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Re: Brass Corona Rings

Original poster: "Willem Bosma" <wbosma-at-stud.tue.nl> 

Hard drawn brass tube has high internal stresses which can be relieved by
heating in an oven for an hour at a temperature of about 300 degrees
centigrade under protective gas. Quenching with oil or water will barily
help softening because of its bronze nature. Plumbers have bending aparatus
for pipes, but I don't know to what diameter.
Wish you luck,   Willem

----- Original Message -----
 > >I'm looking to make a corona ring for my big 8x36 coil and I think it
 > >would look cool if it were made out of brass.  Is there such a thing as
 > >soft brass tubing like the copper tubing that we use?  I'm thinking 3/4
 > >1 inch diameter (minor) and making the ring 11 or 12 inches in diameter
 > >(major).
 > >
 > >Gerry R