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Re: SSTC does 10 foot sparks
Original poster: "john cooper" <tesla-at-tesla-coil-dot-com>
Yeah, another good point, does it really matter what the power in/out is as
long as it's impressive? Probably not at this early stage.
But we should all be able to measure input, roughly at least, as long as we
remember to look at the meters, not the discharge. Maybe that with length
of output could be a baseline for those inclined to pay attention to such
things? Who says strip or chart recorders are obsolete? I do have some
ideas for directly measuring the output and if it pans out I'll post it.
Has anyone else seen or used the copper tube 'ladder' that allows you to
fire a huge (or smaller) coil indoors and to get an idea of the output
'power'? Good for tuning (how many gaps will it jump). Bob Svangren from
Washington state was the first that I know of to make and use one of these
and Richard Hull may have also experimented with them, this was probably
over 10 years ago though. That idea may merit some thought, I've always
wanted to construct one. Hmmmmmmm.
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 08:35:08 -0600
>Original poster: "Steven Ward" <srward16-at-hotmail-dot-com>
>Good question, how do we measure the input/output power? I dont know
>myself and wasnt sure it really even mattered, aside from being reasonably
>close and honest with my guesses. Someone wanna seal up a TC in a big
>styrofoam container and see how much heat we create? hehehe. Seriously, i
>cant myself afford such measuring equipment other than some cheap ammeters
>and a small wattmeter (that is too little for this coil). What i *can* do
>is use previous knowledge gained from my first prototype and others work to
>make good guesses at things like how much power im using and what efficiency.
>The other thing i can rely on is simulation results from pspice.
>The way i see it is, i havent blown the 20A fuse yet and ive had several
>long runs so far (telling me it likely isnt pulling more than 20A). Other
>thing is that my coil slightly beats Freau's spark length formula... well
>this makes perfect sense, no gap losses (and i will tell you, my power
>components arent wasting much at all, they run cold to the touch).
>So i guess whats most important to me (and likely many others) is that you
>can get 11 foot sparks (i hit 11'4" the other night) on a 20A 240V line
>without popping breakers and without a pig.
>>From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>>Subject: Re: SSTC does 10 foot sparks
>>Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 08:03:02 -0600
>>Original poster: "john cooper" <tesla-at-tesla-coil-dot-com>
>>Very intersting stuff, how do we agree on a baseline or procedure for
>>energy in/energy out measurements? Or am I asking too much? I'd be most
>>interested in someone describing and identifying the equipment/measurement
>>techinques necessary, then we can either follow those procedures or 'wave
>>our dix in the air' claiming whatever.
>>---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>>From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>>Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 17:03:02 -0600