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Sucess at last
Original poster: "Kreso Bukvic" <kreso.bukvic-at-kc.htnet.hr>
Well my SSTC-s newer seem to work ( Steve Wards design) and i was not able
to get anymore gate drive cjips. So i tried Richie Burnetts first supressed
design with halfbridge of IRF740 and TL494. It works perfectly, makes 8 cm
sparks at halfrectified 220 V and 30 primary turns. The great thing is i
never had somuch sucess from run ning a SSTC directly from a line. My
previous SSTC blew allready at 50 V.
Now i have a question
How to percectly tune it?
Here you can see pictures of it ( Terry will attach them):
It is currently dissasembled because im going to put bigger fets inside (
irfp460), but even the poor IRF740 did never heat. And check how "BIG" it
is, you see a simple small lighter?
Best regards
Kre�o Bukvi