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Ravi, John Richardson is the guy you're looking for.

Original poster: "John Richardson" <jprich-at-up-dot-net> 

Hi Ravi,

I think I'm the John your looking for.  Yes, it went out last Monday.  I
would have thought you would have had it by now.  The only reason it might
arrive slower than expected is because I was changing a crankshaft on one of
our logging machines  (Oil plug "fell out".  We should call this operation
Lobotomy Logging, Inc.  Unbelieveable.), and I had my father send it out.
He sent it via postal service, as opposed to UPS, which is what I would have
done.  They can be slow.  Sorry it's taking so long.

John Richardson

 > Original poster: John <fireba8104-at-yahoo-dot-com>
 > I hope you win and I bet all on this list would be interested in your
 > results.I'm not the John you're referring to, I'm John G. Is it John F
 > you're are expecting these from?
 > Cheers,
 > John
 > Tesla list <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
 > Original poster: "Nightmare"
 > the science fair is at school, the kids were blown away by my class
 > presentation, even though i wasnt allowed to fire it. The actual fair is
 > February 11th and 12th, ill tell you how i did. BTW: did you send the gap
 > and the caps? i havent got them yet
 > Ravi