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Re: 0.25 MFD 30 kV capacitor on eBay for TC use.
- To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: Re: 0.25 MFD 30 kV capacitor on eBay for TC use.
- From: "Tesla list" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 16:33:16 -0700
- Delivered-to: testla@pupman.com
- Delivered-to: tesla@pupman.com
- Old-return-path: <teslalist@twfpowerelectronics.com>
- Resent-date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 16:33:41 -0700 (MST)
- Resent-from: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
- Resent-message-id: <E4AmKC.A.tWF.UnMwBB@poodle>
- Resent-sender: tesla-request@xxxxxxxxxx
Original poster: Fucian@xxxxxxx
I say you got yourself an enemy or rival ;-)
I sold some dangerous things before including a full blown DRSSTC and didnt
have a problem as well as powerful lasers that WILL burn and blind
instantly...NEver a problem and i mentioned how dangerous they all were!