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Re: New Maxwell on ebay
Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds-at-earthlink-dot-net>
Hi David,
There is no queation an issue of labor. The safety factor is a religious
issue. If I were in the business of selling TC's, I would probably tend
toward Dr R. philosophy. However, building one for myself might be
Gerry R.
> Original poster: "David Rieben" <drieben-at-midsouth.rr-dot-com>
> Gerry,
> Yes, this is true. As a matter of fact, if you could get them at $2 (very
> low cost)
> a piece, that would be 100 of the CD 942 series MMC caps.
> If you were to go with 10 strings of 10, that would give you a
> 20 kV -at- .1 uFD cap or if you could somehow secure the .15
> uFD caps at this price (not likely), then that would give a .15 uFD, .
> 20 kV cap. However, if you're running a high powered pig driven system,
> the .1 or .15 uFD would be in the ball-park for the needed capacitance,
> but the 20 kV rating would probably be a little "thin", at best,
> for the voltage rating aspect of it. I'm sure Dr. R would agree
> with me on this as he states that you need a cap DC voltage
> rating of at least 3x the RMS AC voltage from your transformer,
> especially with higher powered systems. So, let's see, if
> you build your MMC with the 3x safety margin and your
> transformer is a 14,400 volt pig, that means that you would
> need a minimum MMC total voltage rating of about 43 kV
> and that's assuming that you're not overdriving the pig w/ 280 volts
> input. In that case, we're talking about 16,800 volts from the pig
> and the 3x safety factor places the needed DC rating of the MMC
> to about 50 kV. So let's see, if we were to just go for a 40 kV,
> .1 uFD MMC, that would require 400 of the CD 942 caps (20
> strings of 20) and if we wanted to go for the full safety factor
> of 50 kV, that would require 625 of the .1 uFD, 2 kV CD 942
> caps (25 strings of 25)!! Also, the frustration factor of soldering
> multiple 100s of little capacitors and their accompanying bleeder
> resistors would need to be considered in addition to the cost factor.
> I think the bottom line is that the CD 942 caps are the best thing
> to come along since peanut butter for the majority of us that
> are building small to medium sized coil systems with spark out-
> puts generally < 5 ft, but for the serious high powered, pig driven
> coil systems, the commercial pulse cap route is still the most
> practical primary capacitor solution. Just MHO :^)
> David Rieben
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
> Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 8:41 AM
> Subject: Re: New Maxwell on ebay
> > Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds-at-earthlink-dot-net>
> >
> > For $200, one can get a lot of CDE's