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Re: New Maxwell on ebay
Original poster: "David Rieben" <drieben-at-midsouth.rr-dot-com>
Yes, this is true. As a matter of fact, if you could get them at $2 (very
low cost)
a piece, that would be 100 of the CD 942 series MMC caps.
If you were to go with 10 strings of 10, that would give you a
20 kV -at- .1 uFD cap or if you could somehow secure the .15
uFD caps at this price (not likely), then that would give a .15 uFD, .
20 kV cap. However, if you're running a high powered pig driven system,
the .1 or .15 uFD would be in the ball-park for the needed capacitance,
but the 20 kV rating would probably be a little "thin", at best,
for the voltage rating aspect of it. I'm sure Dr. R would agree
with me on this as he states that you need a cap DC voltage
rating of at least 3x the RMS AC voltage from your transformer,
especially with higher powered systems. So, let's see, if
you build your MMC with the 3x safety margin and your
transformer is a 14,400 volt pig, that means that you would
need a minimum MMC total voltage rating of about 43 kV
and that's assuming that you're not overdriving the pig w/ 280 volts
input. In that case, we're talking about 16,800 volts from the pig
and the 3x safety factor places the needed DC rating of the MMC
to about 50 kV. So let's see, if we were to just go for a 40 kV,
.1 uFD MMC, that would require 400 of the CD 942 caps (20
strings of 20) and if we wanted to go for the full safety factor
of 50 kV, that would require 625 of the .1 uFD, 2 kV CD 942
caps (25 strings of 25)!! Also, the frustration factor of soldering
multiple 100s of little capacitors and their accompanying bleeder
resistors would need to be considered in addition to the cost factor.
I think the bottom line is that the CD 942 caps are the best thing
to come along since peanut butter for the majority of us that
are building small to medium sized coil systems with spark out-
puts generally < 5 ft, but for the serious high powered, pig driven
coil systems, the commercial pulse cap route is still the most
practical primary capacitor solution. Just MHO :^)
David Rieben
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 8:41 AM
Subject: Re: New Maxwell on ebay
> Original poster: "Gerry Reynolds" <gerryreynolds-at-earthlink-dot-net>
> For $200, one can get a lot of CDE's