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Re: But how do they do it? (Was: Re: New Maxwell on ebay)

Original poster: "Hydrogen18" <hydrogen18-at-bellsouth-dot-net> 

I beleive there is actually a MMC type assembly inside..

Also, someone earlier stated a maxwell being good for 100000 pulses. Wouldnt
this mean it would go bad in 1/2 hour(or so) of tesla coil operation?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
To: <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 6:18 PM
Subject: But how do they do it? (Was: Re: New Maxwell on ebay)

 > Original poster: "Gregory Hunter" <ghunter31014-at-yahoo-dot-com>
 > I've been following this thread, and I hafta know--if
 > any of you know--how do Maxwell and other commercial
 > cap builders do it? How do they get so much
 > high-voltage capacitance into such a small package? If
 > they are using polypropylene film, then why are
 > homebuilt caps of similar performance so much bulkier
 > than Maxwells? Are Maxwell, Plastic Capacitors Inc.,
 > et al, not bound by the capacitance formula like us
 > mortals? I'm aware that detailed info on this is
 > proprietary, but in general terms, how the heck do
 > they stuff so much multi-kv pulse cap into such a
 > small box???
 > Just Curious,
 > Greg
 >  > Scot, All,
 >  >
 >  > Actually the 37xxx units are rated to 1000 pps,
 >  > plenty high for TC duty.
 >  > The 31xxx series are the ones rated at 1 pps.  Most
 >  > of the 37xxx are rated
 >  > to 25 Arms as well, and the shot life specified
 >  > (typically 10^8 or 10^9) is
 >  > at 20% voltage reversal.  Unfortunately I have no
 >  > knowledge of the 35xxx
 >  > series . . .
 >  >
 >  > Sean Taylor
 >  > Urbana, IL
 >  >

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