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Re: overcoupling

Original poster: "Steven Ward" <srward16-at-hotmail-dot-com> 

Sometimes its best to do things yourself and learn things for yourself.
What people with lots of experience say is worth listening to, but i like 
to find these things on my own.  Look at this coil of mine:


similar power (about 75% of your supply) and using a SRSG with a huge 
capacitor of .045uf.  The base of the secondary winding is roughly .25" 
above the primary.  There is very little space between the coils. maybe .6" 
radius between them.  Probably considered to somewhat tight coupling, but 
the performance of the coil tells the real story.  It matches nearly 
exactly what John Freaus spark lenght formula predicts.  Many of my most 
recent coils met what the spark lenght formula predicts...

Your coil does not sound overcoupled to me...  Its easier to raise the coil 
then to flatten the primary ;)

>From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: overcoupling
>Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 07:30:36 -0600
>Original poster: "harry" <harry-at-prcn-dot-org>
>In a recent post Dr. R.  mentioned that with a high power large secondary 
>a conical primary will overcouple , I am in the process of building a coil 
>with a 12" secondary and a 16 turn 30 degree inverse conical primary, 
>power initialy will be 4 15/30 nst's with SRSG 120 bps , will overcoupling 
>be a serious problem ? should I rebuild the primary to flat spiral and 
>replace the SRSG with a sucker gap? could someone tell me what some of the 
>effects of overcoupling are? I can also raise the secondary about 5" if 
>this would lower the coupling equal to flattening the spiral.......suggestions?