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Re: Over-voltage at Synchronous Gap ? ? ?

Original poster: "Steven Ward" <srward16-at-hotmail-dot-com> 


your phasing is set too late in the cycle meaning that by the time the 
electrodes align, the safety has aleady taken care of things.  In my SRSG, 
the phasing at high power is CRUCIAL to performance, and if i set it too 
late, the safety set at some .6" starts to fire!  It all depends on how far 
you want to push things.  To me it seems that you can push things alot with 
a SRSG.  Im running a 15kv 90ma NST with a .045uf cap:


Do you have a phase controller?  It might be a worthy investment, i love mine!

Steve Ward

>From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>Subject: Over-voltage at Synchronous Gap ? ? ? Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 
>19:20:06 -0600
>Original poster: dhmccauley-at-spacecatlighting-dot-com
>I am having some interesting phenomenon occur at the safety gap I have at my
>SRSG gap.
>If I adjust my SRSG to the point of which (should yield 75% to 100% maximum
>voltage at primary capacitor), i get firing of my safety gap with
>loud bangs (which are likely because the MMC is discharging into the safety
>gap)  The safety gap is adjusted slightly larger than the no-load voltage
>on the NST.  I am confused to why this gap is firing as I am using a LTR
>type capacitor and didn't think i could get over-voltages using a SRSG.
>Any thoughts??
>Specs on my small coil are:
>15kV, 60MA NST
>0.0257uF, 24kV (MMC - LTR sized)
>Standard secondary and primary coil
>The Captain