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Re: new coiler

Original poster: "WIZZARD ." <pbobyk-at-hotmail-dot-com> 

I can agree with Chris.
The power supply was by far the hardest thing for me to source and should 
have been the first item on my list. I continuously do things wrong or the 
hard way. So any practical advise from experianced coilers when you first 
start is a Godsend:-)

>It's not a stupid question!  With all the info on the web, it is 
>overwhelming at first.  Thats what this list is for.
>The sites I found most useful to me when I started coiling are-
>www.pupman-dot-com has this list, along with a link to a tesla coil designer, 
>making the designing process fast and easy
>www.amasci-dot-com has tons of tesla coil links, and tips on making parts of 
>your coil, like cheap bottle capacitors and other stuff.  Probably the 
>best site for information all in one place.
>www.hot-streamer-dot-com has lot's of coils by different people, and is good 
>for seeing what kind of coil you'd like (what components, sizes, etc.)
>These should get you off to a good start (my coil isn't up here yet 
>because it doesn't yet have it's power supply) and always feel free to ask 
>questions if you're unsure.
>>>>And get the power supply first.<<<  Take it from me, it's a real pain 
>>>>trying to find a specific power source for your coil, especailly if it 
>>>>turns out hard to find (and if it's the only part of your coil you 
>>>>still need).  Get the transformer FIRST before you start building the coil.
>>>>This way you can design your coil to work with the transformer, and not 
>>>>end up like me :(
>>From: "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com>
>>To: tesla-at-pupman-dot-com
>>Subject: new coiler
>>Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 11:21:30 -0600
>>Original poster: "MaAjka" <faza.r-at-ri.hinet.hr>
>>I am new in coiling and am planing to make my one Tesla coil so if 
>>somebody can tell me from what should I start and what is important . I 
>>alredy have many information from the Internet but all shematic seems 
>>different. I would be very gratefull on your answer. Sorry for this 
>>stupid question.