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Re: what is the cost for electricity to run a Tesla coil?

Original poster: "Jim Lux by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <jimlux-at-earthlink-dot-net>

At 09:32 PM 7/29/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>Original poster: "Bernie Crews by way of Terry Fritz 
><teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <bern-at-flaccess-dot-com>
>what is the cost for electricity to run a Tesla coil?

Here in Southern California, electricity costs anywhere from $0.07/kWh to 
$.30/kWh depending on how close you are to your baseline load (which varies 
with the season) and whether you have time of use metering.  I usually 
figure $0.20/kWh for fiddling around.

Let's take Kevin's Bigggg coil at 50 kW for example... Run it for an hour 
and that's 50 kWH, or $10 of electricity.. (An hour of continuous run time 
is a LOT)

Taking a more reasonable coil at, say, 1 kW... it's easy: 20 cents/hour

If one were really concerned, time of use metering might be a good thing... 
you probably run your coil at night, which is off peak, and rates are very 
much lower then.