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Re: To All
Original poster: "Mark Broker by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <mbroker-at-thegeekgroup-dot-org>
It is possible that the camera was being saturted in the dark by
the bright streamers. In that way they would look thicker in the
video than they really are.
I like the 120" strike pictures :)
Very nice pictures, Marc! :)
Mark Broker
Chief Engineer, The Geek Group
2/2/2003 5:45:24 PM, "Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:
>Original poster: "Barton B. Anderson by way of Terry Fritz
<teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <classictesla-at-netzero-dot-com>
>No doubt these are impressive images! I'm curious if the sparks
looked the
>same as what the video capture revealed. A lot of ionization
around the
>main channels is clear in the frames, so I guess I'm curious if
it looked
>this way while running or if the video camera was when you
noticed all the
>ion formations. Definately nothing weak about those streamers.
The 3rd from
>the bottom frame showed very smooth-curvy arcs. I think that's
my favorite
>from the bunch. Love to see a mpg of the run sometime. Thanks a
bunch for
>sharing these.
>Take care,