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Warm up time on old capacitor checker

Original poster: "John Richardson" <jprich-at-up-dot-net> 


This is directed to a few of the old timers out there.  I have an old
hamfest Heathkit capacitor checker, and was doing some MMC readings last
night.  It didn't even want to register anything on the green eye until it
warmed up for at least ten minutes!  Is this normal for these things?  I'm
used to new stuff, where results are instantaneous in this solid state age.
Each of my 942 series caps measured out at .15 on this old thing, and a
string of 7 measured about .02, even though it should be about .0143.  Do
you think that this is accurate, or is my "Ten Minutes to Warm Up Heathkit"
off a little bit?  I'm not disappointed if it is, as it was only fifty
cents.  One more question, since this is directed at the old timers:  How
old is our oldest list member?  I recall John Couture mentioning that he
turned eighty five this last year.  It amazes me that the demographics of
this hobby are so wide.

John Richardson