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Capacitor Size Limitation

Original poster: "WIZZARD ." <pbobyk-at-hotmail-dot-com> 

I originally intended to use a 15KV/60 mA NST and purchased a 10.6 nfd cap.
I am now using 4, 15KV/30 mA NST transformers and still using the same 
Resonant cap should be 21.2 nfd.

I have collected -at- 20 Microwave capacitors from the dump, ranging from 0.7 
ufd to 1.2 ufd.
( yup salvaging from the dump is illegal in Canada too, however . . . )

I put 13 of these capacitors in series into a NST case to form a 70 nfd 
According to WINTESLA I should be tapped in at turn 5.7 of my 15 turns of 

I get a very faint hiss of high voltage but no sparks even when the static 
gap is closed to say four of the ten pipes.

I got frustrated and put the 10.6 nfd back in place.

Is there a reason why this arrangement would not work? ( charge time 
constant ? )

Should I put more in series to get closer to the LTR 33 nfd ?

Dwight, Ontario