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Re: High midnight at the Texas corral

Original poster: "Bunnykiller by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <bunikllr-at-bellsouth-dot-net>

ya know what is so difficult about building maggies???   no easily found 
info on them...  I went to the most prominent websites that have maggie 
systems on them and there is no hard core info about what it takes to build 
one..  very little theory... and no math ( except in the case of Antonio's 
postings)  or exact building dimentions, power supply info, caps, rotory 
speeds ( bps) etc.

just what is involved in building a maggie???  those of us who have tried 
to learn about them are either left with minimal info or we are overwhelmed 
by the math Antonio has offered   ;)   ...  I learned how to build my coils 
by looking at the differences between the multitude of descriptions of 
coils shown on the ( at that time only 97 web pages on the Tesla Coil Link 
... what is it now 500???) T- Coiling Links. What is the "link" between the 
primary, secondary, tercerary coils that make them "tuned" to produce those 
magnificent arc lengths???

Yes most of us can make and run a 2 coil system but what does it take to 
add that third coil???   this is where most of us "2 coil system users" get 
lost in the fog...     explain how the secondary coil interacts with the 
3rd coil. What is happening between the 2nd and 3rd coil ??

I understand that the primary and secondary needs VERY tight coupling ( 
which leads to secondary arc-over) but what is the ( uhoh here comes the 
fog)  parameters that govern the "link" between secondary and tercerary 

if maggies are capable of putting out streamers of a "magnitude" better 
than conventional coils... imagine what could be done with the present 
power supplies used by some coilers that are producing 10 - 20 foot arcs as 
is ...  in a maggie configuration we could eventually see 25+ footers with 
15kva systems and our .025uF caps systems   heck maybe even  .050 uF caps 
with 30KV piggies with 240 bps  just to start with...

share the info, knowledge, expertise....    lets hear from the maggie 

Scot D